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How to Deal With People Who Cut in Line

If you've lived in the world you've waited in a line, and at some point in your life—if not many—someone has cut in the line and made you wait longer. There are a variety of line cutters, some with good reasons and others without, but it's generally infuriating all the same. Here's how to deal with people who cut in line, regardless of the situation.

Analyze the Line

When people wait in line, in essence they're gathering one behind the other in single file—or at least that's how it's supposed to work. Unfortunately, not every line is created equal. Some curve because there's not enough room for a straight line in the store, or some waiting areas are larger than others—such as the ones at amusement parks—to accommodate groups waiting together. Lines at stores will occasionally offer some sort of designated method of organization, even sometimes offering a hired helper to move things along efficiently. Other stores will just let their customers figure things out on their own. Sometimes it's the worst of both worlds, such as boarding a flight, where an organization scheme is offered that's hardly followed. It's in situations lacking this organization that the problems tend to occur most often, but are also the type of situations that require the most sympathy. When there is a seemingly tacit organization, it's very, very easy for any person to misinterpret the rules of the line. Before you make any decisions about what to do, know what kind of line you're in. If the instructions are clear, you can point them out. If they're not, you may just want to let the issue go. In the event you do want to say something to the cutter, however, tread carefully. It may have been an honest mistake.

Resist the Urge to Get Angry

People make mistakes often, so you don't want to bite their heads off. Back in college, I was waiting in line for 20 minutes to make a deposit at the school ATM. It always had a ridiculous single-file line, but it was a half of a mile to the next ATM. Another student pulled a chat and cut in front of me (see the video up top for a demonstration) very early on in the line and I didn't say anything because I thought he was talking to his friends. When he tried to use the ATM, I'd built up so much anger that I lashed out at him. The entire line then got mad at me, because he played the victim. In retrospect, I think he honestly had no idea I was in line. I tend to be quiet and easy to miss if I don't intend to be heard. When I angrily told him I was there first and I thought he was just talking to his friends, the rest of the line suddenly saw a raging little asshole emerge from the ether. Although I earned my rightful spot back in line, it was with an angry mob at my back. When you bring anger into the situation, don't expect things to work in your favor.

Know the Three Rules of Confronting Line Cutters

When you do want to approach a line cutter to let them know they just violated the sacred social code of waiting, it's important to remember the following three things:

  1. Don't get angry. (See above for an explanation why.)

  2. Ask someone near by—preferably behind you—if they saw that person cut in the line. If they did, you now have an ally who has a vested interest in the outcome of the situation.

  3. Confront the cutter as soon as possible. You'll lose your chance if you wait.

When you confront the line cutter, be polite. It's possible they made a mistake and you'll feel like an idiot and a jerk if you overreact to something that's ultimately not a big deal. A simple sentence like, "Excuse me, but I believe you just cut in line" is forceful enough to get your point across while still remaining open to the possibility that you could be wrong and they were simply joining their friend to wait with them in solidarity. In the event that they argue and things get out of hand, you either need to let it go (if the cutter is willing to drop the issue, too) or find a manager/person of authority and ask them to handle the problem for you. But something as unimportant as a person cutting in line should really never escalate to that level. The important thing to remember is that while it's rude for people to cut in line, you can't fight every battle and there are few circumstances where this situation isn't a tiny blip of a battle. Most of the time, it's simply not worth fighting. Stay strong, and just try to let things go whenever you can.

More Advice From You

I put the dilemma of line cutting out on the social networks the other day to see what you all had to say about the matter. Here's a selection of the advice from the crowd.

Saul suggests a veiled threat:

If it's a man, I say "don't cut," and if he argues I say "I have a gun.

Matt McCormick suggests giving them a taste of their own medicine and pretending like they don't exist either:

If they cut me, I will act like I didn't see them and walk into them. Even better if I have loud big shopping bags.

Luis Sierra says just deal with it:

I usually don't care, I've learned to be a bit more patient when I can. People can be in a rush, scumbags, or just stupid. Chill.

Mikayla Schneiter takes the simple approach:

A simple, polite, I'm-trying-to-be-helpful-here "Hey man, the line starts back there, just so you know" should cut it. There are a lot of situations that could make it look like someone's trying to cut in line, when in reality s/he's making an honest mistake or doing something pretty irrelevant.

And my cousin Max Gold explains what to do when a drunk guy cuts in front of you at a taco truck:

A drunk guy cut me at a taco truck the other night. He was a lot bigger than me. He explained that in many cities, that it's okay to cut people. I asked what cities? He said New York. I said no, it's not okay there either. Then he said "oh, it's not?" and apologized and bought me a taco.

This post was illustrated by Dana Zemack. Check out more of her stick figure comics and follow her on Twitter.

Got any of your own advice on dealing with the notorious line cutter? Let's hear it in the comments!