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How to Cancel Disney Plus

Tired of the increased prices and ads? It might be time to say goodbye.
Disney+ logo on TV screen
Credit: Hamara/Shutterstock

if you're looking for Disney content, the place to go is (somewhat obviously) Disney Plus, where you can find everything from the latest Marvel movies to original content like the Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV series. However, since its launch back in 2019, the service has become more expensive, introducing membership with ads while also cracking down on password sharing (although there are ways to get around that).

How to cancel your Disney+ subscription

To cancel your Disney+ subscription, you'll first need to head to the website on your computer or phone. Click on your profile icon in the top right of the page and a menu should appear with some options. Choose Account from that list and you should see your account details. There should be a section for Subscription with the ability to change it and also view your Billing History. Select your subscription and at the bottom should be a button that says Cancel Subscription.

A pop-up will appear with an optional survey asking your reason for cancelling. At the bottom of this screen should be a Continue to Cancel button. Hit that button and you'll be taken to another screen with two options, Stay and Watch and No Thanks, Cancel Disney+. Choose the Cancel Disney+ button on the bottom and that's it. You'll still have access to Disney+ until the end of your current payment cycle but will not be charged after that.

How to restart your Disney+ subscription

If you change your mind about Disney+, you can easily restart your subscription. To do so, log into on your phone or computer and select your profile in the top right. Then choose Account and you should see an option for Restart Subscription and click Agree to confirm and now you have Disney+ again.